It’s widely available and an affordable source of protein, but can cats eat pork chops? This is what you need to know!
Pork chops are a favorite in my house, and when my cats start purring at my legs for a bite, I always give in. Once, a friend asked me if it was really okay to give my feline friends a piece, and it made me wonder what serving them more than a tiny cube would do.
IMPORTANT: At, we regularly consult with licensed veterinarians and other industry experts. However, the information found on should not be viewed as veterinary advice. We do our best to help you better understand your cats, but the information on this blog is not a substitute for veterinary guidance.
In this article, I share what I found about serving pork chops to cats as an occasional treat and what you should know before doing so.
Read more about Is Pork Good For Cats?
Can Cats Eat Pork Chops?
Pork is a tasty treat for cats, but you shouldn’t serve it as a main meal. Pork chops are the most popular cut of pork because it’s unprocessed and leaner than other cuts.
The Benefits Of Pork Chops For Cats
Pork shouldn’t be given in large amounts, but if you decide to give your kitty an occasional bite of pork chop, they’ll get these benefits:
As with all other meats that are safe for cats to eat, pork is filled with protein. Cats are carnivores, and they need protein to function. This is the main reason why they can’t be vegan.
Note: When choosing protein sources for your cat, keep in mind that there are healthier options than pork.
B Vitamins
Your cat’s digestive, nervous and immune systems need Vitamin B12 to function correctly. Pork contains vitamins B6 and B12 and other essential vitamins and minerals that will keep your cat healthy!
Learn more about Can Cats Eat Pork Rinds? Safe or Not?
How Much Pork Chops Can Cats Consume
Cats should only consume tiny portions of pork and pork chops as an occasional treat. Any human food given to your cat should not make up more than 10% of their daily intake.
Your cat shouldn’t eat any more pork chops than they can safely stomach. A few cubed pieces will be enough.
What Happens When Cats Eat Too Much Pork Chops
Pork chops are high in sodium and fat, so if your cat overeats this meat, they will get sick.
Fat: High amounts of fat can block your cat’s arteries and cause them to become overweight and even obese. Fat is also distributed through most of the meat, which leads to less protein.
Sodium: Too much sodium leads to hypernatremia, which is more commonly known as sodium poisoning. This is very bad for your cat, and they should never be given processed pork like ham because of its high sodium content.
Pork chops are leaner than other cuts of pork, so they contain fewer fats and sodium. You should still monitor the amount you give your cat to keep them safe.
How To Prepare And Serve Pork Chops To Your Cat
To safely serve pork chops to your kitty, keep these points in mind.
Debone The Pork Chops
Start by ensuring that you remove all bones from the pork chops. Bones pose a choking hazard, and even when your feline manages to swallow them, they can lodge into your cat’s intestines and cause damage.
Cook The Pork Properly
Pork should always be cooked before you serve it to your cat. This process will ensure that all bacteria and parasites present on the meat are killed, and your kitty doesn’t get infected.
Do Not Add Extra Ingredients
Do not add any extras to the pork chops like salt, garlic, and onions. While these help pork taste better, they’re incredibly harmful to cats.
Cut Off The Fat
Pork already contains high amounts of fat spread within the meat, so be sure to cut off that piece of fat on the rim.
What Meats Are Best For Cats To Eat?
Cats will always be carnivores, and they love, eat, and need meat. All cat food contains either a meaty or seafood flavor, and there are a few types of meat that you can safely feed your cat.
With all the choices available, you’re probably wondering which meats are the best for cats to eat. Below is a short summary to answer this question!
Beef is an excellent source of nutrients and essential amino acids that your cat needs.
It is packed with vitamins and minerals like protein, iron, manganese, zinc, and selenium. It also contains vitamins A, C, and B and enough taurine.
Chicken is known as a protein powerhouse. Cats need a lot of protein, and chicken is where they’ll find this. This low-calorie, high-protein meat is beneficial for your cat in many ways.
It’s easy to digest and rich in omega 6, among other vitamins and minerals that are very important for cat health.
Turkey is a delicious mood and health enhancer in the cat world. It contains many proteins, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals like taurine, vitamin B6 and B12, selenium, zinc, and niacin.
These meats are all healthy protein sources for cats, making them occasion treats and nutritional meals!
Final Words
It’s unlikely that your cats won’t like pork chops, but if they don’t, opt for another source of protein. Pork chops aren’t the best meat you can serve your cats, but they will get some nutrients when eating them.
I hope this article helps you make a decision that’s best for your kitty’s health. If you have any more questions about feeding cats pork, pop them in the comment section!
What happens if cats eat pork chops?
Feeding your cat some pork chops on occasion won't do any harm. Just remember to not add any salt to them.
What meat is best for cats?
The best meats for cats include turkey, chicken, and beef.
How do you prepare pork for cats?
You should never feed your cat raw pork. Always ensure it's cooked through, whether in the oven or on the grill. You can chop it up or even blend it for your cats.
What is pork-cat syndrome?
Pork-cat syndrome refers to a reaction that occurs when humans with a cat allergy have an adverse reaction when consuming pork.